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mRNA 疫苗改造基因!DNA基因改造工程CRISPR科技!莫德納首席醫學官承認 : 要把人體當成(電腦程式一樣) ,製造可入侵人類生命(基因)的mRNA電腦軟件!所謂病毒是人工蛋白製品!

mRNA疫苗生產商莫德納Moderna的首席醫學官和幾位著名醫生,與自由之子媒體健康與健康專家Kate Shemirani,和凱文·科貝特Kevin Corbett博士一同承認,新冠實驗性mRNA疫苗,可改變人類的遺傳基因密碼,重新編寫人類基因的"編碼程序"。 同時,為推動全球免費注射新冠疫苗而提供了大量資金的比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates),也曾經親口聲明了(RNA 疫苗要剪斷人類原本的基因,然後插入其他外來的(動植物)基因 : 可點擊Brighteon.com上的影片,了解「人類基因組8和mRNA疫苗」。關於人類基因組 8 的詳細信息:初級組裝以及 mRNA 疫苗如何改變基因組以引起異常:

儘管媒體上的許多人士,安東尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)博士和期撒謊的疫苗公司啦啦隊 -「事實檢查員」(偽) Fact Checker,都砌詞狡辯說新冠疫苗改造基因的實情是"虛假"的,但以下這段影片卻是由莫德納疫苗公司Moderna,Inc.首席醫療官塔爾·扎克斯(Tal Zaks)在TEDx 演講中活生生地把真相披露了出來!(以下是影片節錄) :

證據確鑿!這家mRNA實驗針製藥公司的製造商證實,用於COVID-19的mRNA疫苗,的確是可以改變你的遺傳密碼或DNA!這是當時莫德納疫苗公司的醫療官Zaks,在 TEDx 2017年的演說。在未曾把疫苗騙佈全球前,他們曾於Silview Media Backup YouTube頻道發放這影片,及後已經下架。

Zaks稱 mRNA 疫苗為「黑客軟件」。在影片的第一分鐘,Zaks說:「我們一直在進行這場驚人的人體電腦化的科學革命,今天我在這裡告訴你,我們實際上是把人體當成(電腦的程式一樣) ,已經成功製造了可以入侵了人類生命(基因)的mRNA電腦軟件,它正在改變我們對疾病的預防和治療的一貫思維方式。」 。他甚至重複說,(莫德納)將其視人體細胞為"電腦操作系統",Moderna網站也將人體細胞表達為「我們的操作系統」。

Zaks說:「在每個細胞中都有一個叫做信使RNA或mRNA的東西,它將關鍵信息從我們的基因DNA中傳遞到蛋白質中,這東西實際就是製成人類的全部物質。這是決定細胞執行及操作的關鍵信息。因此,我們將(人體基因密碼)視為電腦操作系統。 …。如果你實際上可以改變它,…如果你可以引入一行電腦代碼或更改一行代碼,事實證明,這對從流感到癌症的一切事物都有深遠的影響。」

當「更改」人類基因代碼行或「引入」(DNA)代碼時,「代碼」或DNA就會被更改,這意味著個人或「受試者」現在的基因組已被更改,他們已經被這些邪惡的「偽科學家」進行了編碼。這個人或許已失去了被稱為人類的定藝,這個基因被更改了的"主體",已經不再是上帝的創造,而是被其他生物更改了基因的人類 B 貨,是撒但的創造! 這意味著這些被基因改造了的""個人或主體可能是那些偽科學家的「專利」產品。



Zaks談到要打開人類基因的電腦程式系統。大家要注意的是,一旦打開了,就沒有辦法將其關閉。細胞到底何時才知道自己正在自的毀滅? 何時才會停止產生這種有毒的刺突蛋白 -「病毒 =蛋白」?被疫苗黑客入侵了的細胞,將會無止境地自的摧殘;因此,這種情況持續了一段時間。




在影片的大約4:00分鐘時,Zaks開始討論用於對付癌症的mRNA疫苗。隨後,Zaks討論了一種兒童疾病,有兒童缺少了基因或「密碼」,該基因或密碼導致了對代謝至關重要的某種酶的產生,而目前的治療方法是移植整個器官(在這種情況下為肝臟)。 Zaks建議注入編碼缺失的基因mRNA,該基因是人類基因組DNA中包含的基因,它將「糾正」遺傳缺陷。

但這樣,問題就來了:是甚麼導致細胞或身體產生所需的酶或蛋白質? Zaks 說 : 他們會通過遺傳密碼或DNA來回答這個問題。


引用 Moderna 莫德納疫苗前醫療官的Tal Zaks的話來說: mRNA疫苗可以改變人類基因組。無論是出於設計目的,還是出於「意想不到的後果」,該技術都可以用來實現這一目標: 他稱這種為「信息療法」等於把(人體基因當成電腦程式來重新編寫)。

這樣的偽科學,有些人將其稱為「瘋狂的科學」。在所謂嘗試「重寫」遺傳密碼以糾正缺陷時,研究表明,那人將會出現「級聯失敗」。換句話說,用破壞人類遺傳基因,來改變基因組中的任何所謂的「缺陷基因」,將會導致其他基因「失敗」或引起問題。 而且,不僅僅是隨後的一個基因會變得有缺陷,而且還有許多基因都會被改造成"不倫不類"。


因此,下次若有人聲稱他注射了這些「疫苗」,這些疫苗不會改變人類基因組或DNA時,你就可以將該人轉介給 Moderna 疫苗的這位前首席醫療官Tal Zaks,了解清楚疫苗是如何改造人類基因的真相。


Several prominent physicians, doctors, Sons of Liberty Media Health and Wellness expert Kate Shemirani, her colleague Dr. Kevin Corbett, and I have postulated that the current experimental mRNA injection for coronavirus, aka COVID-19, could alter one’s genetic code or DNA. Bill Gates stated it, which was included in my video “Human Genome 8 and mRNA Vaccine” on It is one reason the term “experimental human genome altering mRNA injection” has been used to describe the jab being foisted onto the mostly unsuspecting public. While many in the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his merry band of chronic liars, and “fact checkers” have declared this claim as false, a video of a TEDx Beacon Street talk by Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, Inc., one pharmaceutical company manufacturer of the experimental mRNA technology injection, confirms mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change your genetic code or DNA. This TEDx Beacon Street talk occurred in 2017. H/T to YouTube channel Silview Media Backup Channel.

Zaks calls it “hacking the software of life”. In the first minute of the video Zaks states, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.” [Emphasis mine.] He even repeats that they (Moderna) think of it like an operating system, which the Moderna website indicates as “Our Operating System”.

At one minute in, Zaks states, “In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system. …. So if you could actually change that, … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.” [Emphasis mine.]

When “changing” a line of code or “introducing” a line of code” (referring to DNA), the “code” or DNA is then altered, meaning the individual or “subject” has now had their genome changed to what the “scientists” have coded. The individual or subject is no longer a creation of God but a creation of man, meaning the individual or subject could be the object of a “patent”. He goes on to say, the mRNA would tell the cells to “code” for the protein of the “virus”. This “viral protein” is foreign to the body. The individual’s body is making a foreign protein the immune system is to attack. When the body makes a protein the immune system then attacks, your immune system is attacking a protein your body is making, meaning what is occurring in an “auto-immune response” or “auto-immune disease”.

This has been repeated a number of times by experts, physicians, nurses and countless others. As readers can see, none of us were “whistling Dixie”. Zaks talks about turning this system on; however, there is no way to turn it off. When do the cells know to stop making this “viral protein”? The cells don’t; therefore, this continues for the duration.

In a normal vaccine, the immune system attacks the limited amount of “particles” in the adjuvant to produce antibodies or immune response that the body can recognize at a later time if the individual comes in contact with the same or similar “particle”.

The study Zaks cites at the 3:12 minute mark can be found and read here. The abstract is contained on the NIH Pub Med Library website. In the full test of the study on ResearchGate, the mention of “Luciferase” occurs on page 10. A crucial piece of information in this study is contained on page 4 – “Ferrets immunized with 200 micrograms and challenged [exposed to influenza H7N9 via IN (intranasal)] on day 49 had viral loads below the level of detection”. If a viral load was “below the level of detection”, two questions emerge: 1) did the ferrets even contract H7N9 through intranasal challenge; and, 2) if a viral load is below the level of detection, how do you know the animals even had a viral load? This would bring into question the efficacy of the injection.

Moreover, the studies Zaks cites as occurring in humans only lasted approximately 18 months.

At about the 4:00 minute mark, Zaks begins discussing mRNA vaccines for cancer. Immediately following that, Zaks discusses a children’s condition where a gene or “code” is missing that causes production of a certain enzyme critical for metabolism where the current treatment is to transplant an entire organ – in this case, the liver. Zaks proposes to inject mRNA that codes for the missing gene, a gene contained in DNA on the human genome, it would “correct” the genetic defect.

Ask this question: what causes the cells/body to produce needed enzymes/proteins? Zaks answers that by saying the genetic code or DNA. So, mRNA has to alter a genetic code or the DNA for the body to produce the proteins of COVID-19 for the body to mount an immune response.

Out of the words of Tal Zaks of Moderna, mRNA can alter the human genome. Whether by design or “unintended consequences”, this technology is being used to do just that. He calls this “information therapy”; although, some would call it “mad science”. In attempts to “rewrite” genetic code to correct defects, studies have shown there were “cascading failures”. In other words, changing one “defective gene” in one genome caused other genes to “fail” or cause problems. And, it was not just one subsequent gene becoming defective, but many. This is more than likely why there are over 400 adverse events surrounding the experimental mRNA injection.

So, the next time someone claims these “vaccines” do not alter the human genome or DNA, you can refer that individual to Tal Zaks of Moderna, Inc. who claims otherwise. Dr. Fauci should be eating some four and twenty blackbird (crow) pie.


相關帖文 (英文版本):


重磅炸彈。Moderna首席醫療官承認mRNA改變了DNA - 《華盛頓標準報》!

Tal Zack博士畢業於以色列本古里安大學。因此,下次有人聲稱這些 "疫苗 "不會改變人類基因組或DNA時,你可以給人看 Moderna公司的塔爾-紮克 的親口陳述,他的說法來看,疫苗絕對會改變人類基因。


Sherri Tenpenny醫生:COVID疫苗如何在3-6個月內開始人口削減的議程



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