輝瑞資深僱員爆高層電郵:確認新冠逆苗藏有流產胎兒屍體細胞!欲以宗教豁免權取消接種! 流產胎兒細胞 在“真相工程”Project Veritas 公開的爆炸性採訪中,斯特裡克勒透露了輝瑞公司高層員工的內部電子郵件,指示讓低級別員工不要與公眾討論流產的胎兒細胞在開發...

PCR Test can be misused to create large number of false positives. It's a Big Scam !
PCR test can be misused to create a large number of false positives, called asymptomatic infections! Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis,...

PCR檢測可被濫用來製造大量假陽性,無症狀感染!諾貝爾獎得主 Kary Mullis ,PCR 拭子檢測發明者,他死前揭露了大騙局!
PCR檢測可被濫用來製造大量假陽性,無症狀感染! 諾貝爾獎得主 Kary Mullis 是PCR 拭子檢測的發明者,他說:PCR檢測可被濫用在任何你想要的東西,來驗出所謂的病毒,扭曲測試結果可製造大量假陽性,被稱為無症狀感染!...

英國牧師妻子:基督徒炫耀接種疫苗,是自欺欺人,害己害人! 我們可以作證,這年喪禮一個接一個,都是接種疫苗後死去的人! 「禍哉!那些稱惡為善,稱善為惡,以暗為光,以光為暗,以苦為甜,以甜為苦的人。」 (以賽亞書 5:20)...

The COVID Vaccine can invade the human DNA ! 20 out of 23 pairs of chromosomes invaded!
The COVID Vaccine can invade the human DNA ! 20 out of 23 pairs of chromosomes invaded! The latest scientific research by Dr. Richard M....

新冠逆苗能侵入人類基因!23對染色體中,有20對染色體已經被刺突蛋白與病毒入侵了!頂尖核心臟病專家臨床應對炎症專家 Dr. Richard M. Fleming 最新科學研究證明!
新冠逆苗能侵入人類基因!23對染色體中,有20對染色體已經被刺突蛋白與病毒入侵了! 理查德·弗萊明醫學博士 Dr. Richard M. Fleming 頂尖核心臟病專家臨床應對炎症專家 (PHD, MD, JD, Nuclear Cardiologist,...

How can We Know we are in The End Times?
Soon Darkness will forever be banished to its place as the GLORY of JESUS breaks forth for ALL to see in the Eastern Sky, bringing the...

PCR : How everyone will test positive for Covid-19! 5G is responsible for Cov!d 19 Outbreak?!
PCR : How everyone will test positive for Covid-19! Common COLD could be counted as COV!D 19 by PCR Test ?! We know that the prescribed...

PCR篩檢:或把普通感冒診斷為新冠陽性! 5G科技或是新冠病毒元凶?!
PCR篩檢:或把普通感冒診斷為新冠陽性! 5G科技或是新冠病毒元凶?! PCR篩檢:或把普通感冒診斷為新冠陽性! 5G科技或是新冠病毒元凶?! (粵語/中文字幕) PCR篩檢:或把普通感冒診斷為新冠陽性! 5G科技或是新冠病毒元凶?! (英語/中文字幕)...

Nano Robot Parasites found in Cov!d V@ccines! Transhuman Experimental V@ccine
Stunning Nano Robot Parasites found in Cov!d V@ccines! Stunning Nano-Machine parasites were found in the samples of Cov!d V@ccines!...